Stauber Method repairs and remodels deep tissues to get your body back to its ideal mobility and function. You will experience massive shifts in movement and real time changes in your posture/frame. The Stauber Procedure can correct and repair the years of stress and strain your body has been put through.


Remodeling 6 week Program Ideal state Massive Shifts

The effects of The Stauber Procedure are monumentally different from injury therapy you’ve experienced to date. Dr. Stauber’s program uncovers what your previous manual treatments have missed. This precise manual approach to the upper cervical area can rebuild any amount hardened tissues that have not been properly repaired or addressed. Stauber Method repairs and remodels deep tissues to get your body back to its ideal mobility and function. You will experience massive shifts in movement and real time changes in your posture/frame. The Stauber Procedure can correct and repair the years of stress and strain your body has been put through. The first treatment to address the history of your pain – and fix the deep-rooted damage. It takes time to “sculpt” your tissues back to their ideal form and function. Our bodies were intended to move with efficiency and ease. 6 – 8 weeks is enough time to achieve your desired results. Consistent, positive results is the end goal, every time. By correcting the structural damage, it can feel like the entire body is waking up and coming back to life Natural therapies like chiropractors, Osteopaths, RMTs have yet to address the structural damaged tissues of the upper cervical joint area in the neck and spine. Dr. Stauber has spent countless hours improving his craft of sculpting and remodeling the properties of damaged issues that prevent injuries from healing.